And then a kind of terror overcomes me. Tenses my muscles and wrinkles my bones until I am meagre and unsized. You might call me as such a coward. But would you fault the legless man his inability to walk?
Freihard DuBone A Manual for Amputees
C makes me feel like an engineer, Python makes me feel like a developer, LISP makes me feel like a mad scientist.
Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way.
William James
Archiving the mountains of digitalized cultural heritage we have amassed for the future is paramount.
Professor Tadahiro Kuroda of Tokyo's Keio University, on the "Digital Rosetta Stone" of the The World Digital Library (WDLP).
...and now I suspect I am a machine created to bring anxiety into the world.
Pictures for Sad Children
Clarity is the most unsettling thing possible.
Paul Auster Granta Interview
Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.
Noam Chomsky RT @Dorothy4Ever (via @idnapper)
I will restore your sense of childlike wonder. There is nothing you can do to stop me.
"Fake Steve Jobs"
God may have created man in His own image, but man has more than returned the favor.
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Suggestion for an epitaph from an Indian colleague of David Allen's (via Twitter)
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